Yolo Amateur Radio Society —
Mt. Vaca Radio Club
Serving Yolo County, CA & Nearby Areas

Davis Double Century 2024
Communications & SAG Information

Event Date: Saturday May 18, 2024

Davis Bike Club Ride Information

DC Communications & SAG Coordinator Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG dhnishik@dcn.org

March 20, 2030 hrs. - Initial DC24 info posted. Roll over of 2023 roster, pending update. Preliminary event information.

March 21, 0915 hrs. - DC23 Roster deleted, DC24 Roster added.

March 26, 0915 hrs. - Roster update, Printable Roster updated.

April 11, 1500 hrs. - Roster update.

May 13, 1100 hrs. - Updated Roster, Rest Stop, Set Up, and APRS info.

May15, 2300 hrs. - Updated Roster and Rest Stop times.

Course & Rest Stop Updates


Start/Finsh will be at the Veterans' Memorial Center in Davis (203 E. 14th St.)

Course and Rest Stops

The ride will follow the same course, with the same rest stop locations, used in 2023 except for RS1 being moved to the east closer to Lake Solano.

Pre Ride Meeting

Thursday May 16 at 1900 hrs.
The pre-ride meeting will be held at the Parking Lot behind Davis City Hall, at the corner of Russell Blvd. and B Streets. Directions to City Hall can be found HERE. We will be meeting at the west end of the parking lot, closest to A Street.

Talk-in on the K6MVR repeater, 147.000 - 136.5. SAG boxes, info packets (shirts, maps, freq plan), 900 radios, and APRS trackers should be available. Any op not able to make it can make other arrangements or pick up their stuff at Net Control on event day.

Net Control Set Up

TBD - Net Control Will be set up Friday after 1700 hrs. Antennas will be set up outside Saturday morning.

Radio Plan

The radio plan will be similar to last year.

Net Control will be geared towards having enough ops to handle simultaneously 2-4 channels, minimizing the time needed for field units to get a response.


View Printable Roster

This is the roster and shifts as the positions are being filled.
Due to the high number of returning ops, an (*) will denote those that have confirmed for this year.

Status Key:

* Confirmed
? Need Confirmation